How To Build A Sustainable Solar Business Without Buying Leads

Building A Sustainable Solar Business Without Buying Leads - Post Outline

The solar business is booming, but many installers are struggling to grow their business. With all of the competition, it’s become much harder to get customers, and buying leads just isn’t working anymore. Cheap leads from third-party providers are tempting, but more often than not, they prove to be a poor investment. Let’s explore why relying on low-quality leads is hurting both businesses and consumers and how forward-thinking companies are using sustainable growth strategies.

The Lead Farm Trap

For years, solar companies have turned to lead farms as a quick way to fill their pipelines. These providers promise a steady stream of interested customers, but the reality is often far less sunny. Let’s break down why this approach is problematic:

Bad for Consumers

Imagine expressing interest in solar and then being bombarded with calls from multiple companies. That’s the reality for many customers who submit their information to lead aggregators–companies that collect consumer information and sell it to multiple solar installers. Even when lead farms claim to offer “exclusive” leads, these are often only exclusive for a short period before being resold to other companies. In these scenarios, customers are not getting the personalized attention they deserve, and instead of feeling empowered about going solar, they’re left frustrated and overwhelmed.

Bad for Companies

While buying leads might seem like an efficient way for solar companies to find potential customers, it’s creating significant problems:

  1. Diminishing returns: As the market becomes saturated, the quality of leads continues to decline. And companies like yours are paying more for less qualified prospects. 
  2. Lack of branding: When you rely on third-party leads, you’re not investing in your own brand awareness or reputation.
  3. Unsustainable business model: Solar companies can become dependent on a single source of leads, leaving them vulnerable to market shifts and competition.

The Real Cost of Cheap Leads

At first glance, buying leads might seem like a cost effective way to get customers, but we need to take a look beyond the price per lead to see the true costs. 

  1. Low conversion rate: Many paid leads are not quality leads or they’re also sold to your competitors, making it harder and more expensive to convert. 
  2. Poor reputation: When customers are bombarded with calls from multiple solar companies, it creates a negative experience and can tarnish your reputation. Customers may view solar companies as pushy or untrustworthy, making it harder for everyone to do business ethically and effectively.
  3. Time wasted on low-quality leads: We all know time is money, and every hour your sales team spends chasing unqualified leads is an hour not spent nurturing high-potential prospects. 
  4. Unreliable: Depending on third-party lead generators puts a cap on your potential. When you depend on paid lead providers, you’re at the mercy of their pricing and policies. This makes it challenging to scale your business sustainably.

A Better Way Forward: How to Build a Sustainable Solar Business​

So what’s the alternative? Forward thinking solar businesses are investing in their own marketing infrastructure to generate high-quality leads and build long lasting relationships with their customers. Here are our tips:

  1. Identify your target audience: Develop detailed buyer personas that represent your ideal customers. When you understand your customers’ needs, pain points, and motivations for going solar, you can tailor your marketing efforts to align with their goals.
  2. Develop your brand: Create an identity that resonates with your target audience. Stand out from the competition by focusing on your strengths, whether that’s exceptional customer service, innovative technology, or local expertise.
  3. Develop a marketing system: Educate your potential customers with information that provides value. This can be in the form of blogs, social media posts, guides that address common questions or concerns, as well as case studies and customer testimonials. This will position your company as a trusted leader in the solar industry. 
  4. Optimize for local search: Improve your visibility in local search results. This brings in leads who are actively looking for solar solutions in your area. You can leverage paid and organic search with keywords that your ideal customers are searching.

Lighting the Path to Sustainable Growth

At RELLO, we’re proud to be at the forefront of this shift towards more ethical and effective solar marketing. Our approach is built on collaboration, expertise, and a deep understanding of the solar industry and its unique challenges.

We work closely with our clients to develop comprehensive digital marketing strategies that drive sustainable growth. By focusing on building strong brands and creating valuable customer experiences, we’ve helped solar companies break free from the cycle of low-quality leads and establish themselves as industry leaders with their own quality lead generation. Here are a few highlights from our client success stories: 

  • With a strategic paid search campaign, we helped Gardner Energy increase its residential lead volume by 585%. Read the full case study here.
  • We revamped Solar Union’s SEO efforts, and they saw a 179% increase in organic sessions. Read the full case study here. 
  • Solect Energy, which focuses on large-scale commercial installations, saw a 305% increase in sales from marketing by implementing a new paid search strategy created by RELLO. Read the full case study here. 

The Future of Solar Marketing

As the solar industry continues to grow and mature, the companies that thrive will be those that prioritize building lasting relationships with customers. By moving away from short-term tactics like lead farms and embracing a more sustainable approach, solar businesses can:

  • Create a steady stream of high-quality leads
  • Build trust and credibility in their local markets
  • Reduce customer acquisition costs
  • Improve overall customer satisfaction and referral rates
  • Position themselves for long-term success and scalability


Now the question is, will you continue to rely on purchased leads with diminishing returns, or are you ready to take control of your growth?

If you want to transform your solar marketing strategy, RELLO can help. Let’s discuss strategies so you can build a sustainable marketing infrastructure for long-term success. 

Ready to Partner?

Fill out our form and a member of our team will be in contact soon. Let’s discuss your marketing needs and see what RELLO can do for you.

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